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Spring Newsletter, 2024


Board Members:    Pat Cordova (President), Michael Katalenic (Vice President),Ted Craig (Treasurer), Dan Sattler (Secretary), and John Mueller (Member at Large).


Middle of May is Clean Up Day:    May 11th Saturday


Republic will be pulling into the HOA at 8:00 am with a couple of trucks on Saturday May 11th,  for our spring cleanup day.  If you do not have your stuff at the end of your driveway when they come by, they are not allowed to wait, and they are not allowed to come back by later.  Clean Up Day is only available for homeowners who are current on their HOA Account.  If you have a delinquency, please pay it today so you can take advantage of this service.  Please look closely at the flyer below to see what you can put out for collection.


If you have more than what they list above, you may be able to call Republic (970) 484-5556 and work a deal to bill you separate for more.  If Republic does not pick up items you have put out, you are required to have everything off your driveway and stored out of site by that evening.  This service is only for Buffalo Creek residents.  Do not bring in trash from others.  Please follow the guidelines.



Yard Maintenance:   Buffalo Creek HOA Board of Directors has used the “Middle of May is Clean Up Day” (5/11/24 this year) as the official start of summer season requiring homeowners’ yards to come into compliance after the winter dormancy.    All dead trees need to be removed.  HOA Covenants require one deciduous tree to be in the front of each property so if your dead tree is the only one in the front yard, you’ll need to replace it.  Tree planting does require ARC approval.  Fence staining and house painting will be required on those properties needing to be brought into compliance. Please be sure to get competitive Bids.   We see house painting costs running $2,700.00 to $3,200.00 per house – or much more.  Remember to get ARC approval prior to starting your projects.


Any Visible Property Change requires ARC approval:    Any change that you want to make to the exterior of your house, property, and landscaping needs to have Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval. Give a few weeks prior to your project to get the approval process completed. 

            Go to the website:, find the ARC form, fill it out and email or mail it back to the ARC Committee.  The ARC committee will go over your request to make sure that everything falls within the HOA Covenants and Site Restrictions.  (This is our way of helping make sure that you do not end up investing time and money in a project that is not allowed under HOA guidelines.)  The ARC Committee is there to help you, so you do not have to read through a hundred pages of documents to determine if your project is approvable.   


ARC forms are on website at; or Email;


Projects for 2024:  In 2024 we will continue to replace dead trees in the common area, make repairs to the perimeter fence and schedule several sections of fence for staining.  Staining scheduled for 2024 will include Buffalo Creek Parkway and the north side of Stampede.  The big wind this spring has caused a lot of issues to the HOA perimeter fence and multiple homeowners’ fences.  We hope to get all the perimeter fence issues fixed this spring.  The Common Area Irrigation system has been running great.  The improvements made over the past few years have really paid off for us.  Please continue to send email notices to Management for anything you see needing attention: sprinklers, broken fence, broken tree branches…


Home Sales:   From September 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, we had a total of 5 home sales.  From January 1st through March 1st there were no sales.  From March 19th through today we have 3 homes under contract.   


Buffalo Creek HOA:  All correspondence, payments and ARC requests can be sent to the HOA.  All payments for dues are by Annual Payment, however the Board has authorized monthly payments by ACH. Buffalo Creek HOA,  PO Box 1182,   Wellington, CO   80549      Website:


Management Company:  Buffalo Creek HOA is being managed by Buffalo Creek Management and can be reached at; PO Box 1182, Wellington, CO  80549.  Phone (970) 568-3170 or email at: 


Share your ideas:   We are continually working to keep Buffalo Creek a community you can be proud of.  We like keeping you informed and are always happy to get suggestions. 


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