Buffalo Creek Home Owner's Association
Need some additional help with something the HOA manages? Check here!
Architectural Review Committee
Q: Where Can I Find the ARC Request Form for My Project?
A: Go to the ARC page found here to learn more.
Q: How Do I Pay My Fines?
A: Check out our page covering this!
Q: What Are the Fine Schedules?
A: Check out our page covering this!
Q: How Do I Get into Virtual HOA Meetings?
A: Check out this quick guide!
Q: Where Can I Find the Upcoming Meeting Agenda?
A: Head over to the Events page to get up to date on the current topics!
Changing Bylaws
Q: This Bylaw is Silly. How Do We Change it?
A: In order to change a bylaw (not a Residential Guideline!), there must be a vote with a two-thirds majority of the Homeowners. For more information, check out the HOA governing documents here.
Questions, Comments, Concerns
Q: How Do I Get in Touch with the HOA Board?
A: Send us an email at Pat.Cordovabchoa@gmail.com or singewald@aol.com
We look forward to hearing from you!